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Math Competition (November 12-14, 2018)

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Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

IB Learner Profiles:

Students were knowledgeable, applying their understandings into different questions. Though, they had to think which knowledge and its method in applying them. They had to communicate and explain their way of thinking to other group mates. They had to be open-minded to accept possible methods in solving the question. 

The math competition was an event that took place during the first semester of the year 2018-2019 in the auditorium of our school. Students were divided into groups of threes, and were told to solve different levels of math questions. With their competitiveness and endeavor in achieving the first place of the competition, the students were able to continue to face any challenges that they would have to confront. 

I participated in the competition with my fellow group mates, Soohee and Lila. Even though we didn't get into the semifinals, we were able to work as an effective group. With our mathematical knowledge and the ability to communicate, we were able to figure out questions together and also teach whoever that didn't understand the solutions. As we felt disheartened in the loss of achieving the first place or at least entering into the semifinals, it was truly a great time for students, including myself, to broaden their scope of mathematical knowledge and the way to apply them in real life situations. As for me, it was surely a joyous moment to spend my time.

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Self teaching Piano

Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

IB Learner Profiles:

I was able to balance my life not only with academics, but also with emotional factors, such as music. In order to self-teach, I had to be knowledgeable about the instrument itself, for example, knowing basic keys and chords. 

Playing piano has always been one of my interests and a hobby where I can spend my leisure time on. I've learned how to play piano for 6 years, since young age to around middle school. Since then, I've started to build my interest in the instrument. Eventually, I quit taking lessons and started to learn it independently. From that day until today, I occasionally sat in front of my piano and played random songs whenever I had the opportunity to do so.

There were challenges I faced when playing some songs. It was really frustrating that I had to be in the same line for tens of minutes. Though, I was able to overcome them with my perseverance in finishing the piece. With my commitment and stubbornness, I was able to develop new skills and take one step further as a musician. As a pianist after all, it is really satisfying to know your own abilities and listen to your own performance!


Secret Santa Workshop (December 2018)

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Learning Outcomes:

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

IB Learner Profiles:

In order to establish an effective Secret Santa workshop, we had to be communicative as teamwork and cooperation was the key factor required for the work to be done. People had the chance to balance their life by delivering emotional messages to their gift-recipients.

The Secret Santa event was an event that allowed people to communicate to each other by their feelings. People were able to buy small gifts and write a little message of appreciation or any kind of emotion that they could send them to the person or people they wanted to give. The Secret Santa Workshop would arrange those messages and the gifts ordered to make sure they will be given to the right person. In order to do that, communication and teamwork would be really essential. 

The tasks were divided into 2 groups: one that would handle the messages, and the other that would be responsible for the gifts. The message groups decorated people's messages using markers and drawings to make it more emotional. For the latter, people arranged the gifts for the recipients. With communication and the help of others, we were able to make the giver's feelings reach the recipients efficiently and successfully.

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As we all know, our current world is experiencing a major environmental problems for the past decade. This included food waste. It has been shown that food waste is responsible for the 8% of global warming. The Composting at Wells activity during Wells Without Walls was a perfect opportunity to raise awareness and spread words about the current world. 

The activity was held beside the cafeteria at the outdoor hall. My friends and I helped one of the senior student, Amy, to compost the food waste she had collected from numerous students. With composting environment already set up by Amy, we were able to have a head-start; all we needed was to collect more greens and dried leaves to cover the food waste. We gathered them in a bin using broomsticks, and we dumped them all over the soil. Then, we poured water to speed up the composting process. Having the experience of composting really broadened my scope of contributing in reducing global warming. Moreover, it made me have an rough idea of how much food people waste per day, which made me to reflect back on myself. 

Learning Outcomes:

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

IB Learner Profiles:

We had to be communicative in order to raise awareness about the current global issue and to encourage people to take action to solve it. We were caring because we wanted to make a change on our world.

Composting at Wells (December 2018)

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