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Varsity Volleyball AISAA League (September 2018)

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Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

IB Learner Profiles:

Since volleyball is a team sport, we had to communicate for victory. We had to be principled to act with fair justice and to accept any loss in an appropriate way. We were able to balance our life with physical activities.

I have first joined the school sports team as a volleyball athlete. It was a very touching moment as it was my first opportunity to join a school sports team of any kind. I first joined the team in grade 9, and stayed there as an athlete until today. Throughout the sports years, I was able to participate in multiple matches and tournaments. This included the Varsity Volleyball AISAA League that was held during the weekend around the month of September in 2018. 


Our team, consisting of around seven people, headed towards Concordian International School in the morning. Stepping foot into the school, we prepared ourselves to play the first game. With the victory of the first game, our team kept the momentum with us and pushed ourselves all the way through the end of the league. Eventually, our team was able to win the gold medal due to our constant thriving and pushing. 

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Hiking in Hawaii (June-July 2018)

Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

IB Learner Profiles:

Hiking made my life to be a balanced person because it allowed me to engage in not only academics, but also physical activities. 

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I've always been interested in actively engaging activities. That includes hiking. When I first hiked in Thailand at young age, I was able to experience the taste of hiking, and it really is wonderful. Hiking shows us the beauty of nature, and most importantly teaches people an idea of not giving up and pushing your limits to reach the summit. Since then, I loved to hike whenever I had the opportunity.

Recently, I went to Hawaii during the summer of 2018 to participate in the science summer camp at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I was not only given the chance to experience a life of a university student, but also to hike there, thanks to the chaperones that took care of us. Throughout the camp, we hiked up Makapu‘u Point Lighthouse Trail, Koko Head, Diamond Head, and the Sleeping Giant Hike. The view above at the peak truly was an incredible scenery. It was a really great and an unforgettable experience. 

Korean Club Dancing (February 2019)

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Learning Outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

IB Learner Profiles:

For the dance to be in sync, we had to communicate with each other. Dancing allowed us to balance our life with its physical performance.

Korean club was recently created in the year of 2017. As we had numerous Koreans in the school, we decided to come together and create a club for ourselves. With the members, the goal was primarily to spread Korea's culture and tradition throughout our school with different activities. One of them was by performing on stage. We did this ever since the club was created.

During February in 2018, the day of Chinese / Korean New Year was approaching. As we heard that the school would be celebrating the event, our club decided to perform during that day. We had came up with an idea of singing and dancing a traditional Korean song named Arirang with additional K-Pop songs for cover dances. Personally, it was a really joyful moment to dance with my fellow club members and to also spread our culture to people. Although there were challenges we faced, such as figuring out the spacing and the formation for the dance, we were able to overcome them as a club.

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Breakdance Club Dancing (October 2019)

Learning Outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

IB Learner Profiles:

Through the experience of breakdancing, we were able to have a balanced life between academics and emotion, and were able to express ourselves freely. 

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The breakdance club was first found by a teacher and my fellow classmate during 2019. I had several experiences with breakdancing from workshops in Wells Without Walls. However, also with an invitation from my fellow friend, I decided to join the breakdance club as an official member and to dive deeper into the world of breakdancing. 

We always had our practices during Friday afterschool, where members were taught basic top rocks and freezes in breakdancing. We often did cyphers during our practices, which are basically impromptu dancing using the moves and freezes we have learned. What I like about breakdancing is the freedom to express yourself. This refers to how you can use any combinations of moves to create your own breakdancing. After gaining some experience, our club decided to participate in the performance during international day. I found this a good opportunity to experience breakdance as a real performance. We practiced for about 3 weeks and our performance was a success. After the performance, I realized that I had found myself passion for an activity outside academics. This helped me to grow as a student overall with equilibrium in life.

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