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SerWIS Mercy Centre (December 2018)

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Learning Outcomes:

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

IB Learner Profiles:

We were communicative with the kids in Mercy Centre by using various activities. We were open-minded to listen out any personal history of the kids. We were caring that we truly empathized with the kid by thinking deeply about their situations. 

Mercy Centre was a wonderful place that looked over numerous orphans around Thailand. The place taught the orphans the value of family and home. It is really astonishing how the centre takes care every single one of them and help them grow as a healthy human being, but it is also frustrating thinking about the past experiences they had to go through. Nonetheless, the kids there were very bright and energetic. It seemed like they loved to meet new people and wanted to know people outside the Mercy Centre. 

We arrived at the Mercy Centre with excitement and joy. When we walked in to their coliseum, they greeted us with double the emotions we felt when we stepped into the centre. We were overwhelmed by their energy, but soon got used to them. Later, we did several activities with them, including drawing and physical activities. It was a really great opportunity to see how these kids spend their lives here in the Mercy Centre!

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HIV Run (October 2018)


HIV run was one of the campaign that raised awareness of the disease. By inviting people to this event, it was able to spread words about the significance of the disease, make people to sympathize towards the people who got diagnosed with it, and support them by donating money. The event was held at Lumpini Park, starting from around 5 A.M., and it also had various goals that people can achieve. These include: 2.5 km, 5 km, 7.5 km, and 10 km. 

I arrived at the park with my schoolmates and saw a great number of people, ranging from young children, international school students, and adults. People were standing in front of the starting line, waiting for the countdown to end. As the countdown of five seconds ended, all the people started running. Thinking about the campaign and also my health, I decided to achieve the 10 km goal, so I began to gradually raise my speed as I kept running. Eventually, I achieved the 10 km goal and was rewarded with the HIV medal. Once I received the medal, I felt very proud that I could make a good cause.

Learning Outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

IB Learner Profiles:

During the run, we had to be open-minded and caring to respect and feel the urge to help the people diagnosed with HIV. It also made our life to balance out with physical activities.


Greenhawks (2015-2020)

Learning Outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

IB Learner Profiles:

We were communicators in order to establish an effective club with cooperation in raising awareness about the current events. We were caring and wanted to change our only home to a better one. We were balanced to establish a life with academics and participation for a better world.

Greenhawks was the first ever club in our school to consider and contribute in reducing the environmental problems. It was created back in 2013, and is still thriving until today. The primary goal of this club was to raise awareness of current environmental problems that have been occurring. With this goal, the club started to start its tradition of organizing plastic bottles and papers that were thrown in school.

I joined the club in the year of 2015 when I was in the 7th grade. Since then, I had stayed in the club and showed commitment to the club by constantly helping the club with their tradition. As being a member of the club, my interest towards participation in solving environmental problems grew. Eventually, I decided and was nominated to become one of the leaders for the club, responsible for the new gardening section. With my new role, I constantly try to come up with ideas to support both the club and the world, even until now. 


Bang Saen Beach Clean Up (November 2019)

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Learning Outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

IB Learner Profiles:

We were global citizens and acted on our own to save the environment, which could be described as being reflective. We were also collaborative and communicative in order to effectively execute our tasks to clean the beach.

The Bang Saen Beach Clean Up was held on the 19th of November during 2019. It was organized by a group of international schools, specifically, Berkeley, Wells, and Concordian International Schools, alongside GrinGreen International, an organization speaking for environmental problems. 


On the day, people were given bags and gloves, where they could pick up any trash and throw it into those bags. From my first-hand experience, I was surprised by the amount of trash sitting there on the beach. I tried to collect all the trashes as I walked, but there were some we couldn't really detect without closer look. Looking at individual bags seemed like there wasn't much trash, but as everyone gathered into one place and dumped everything they've collected, it turned into a mountain of trash. After that, we categorized each materials into one place. It was a great experience as everyone was actively engaging into the event. Moreover, from this experience and from the speech from the organization, I could really feel their words and soul reaching to us. 

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